Thursday 29 May 2014

Painting and another expansion.

This week I went off to Nottingham with my girlfriend to spend all her Birthday money, which meant I could take a trip to Games Workshop. I must say the staff there weren't all too bad, and after asking for help on what brushes, paints etc to get, I came home with a standard brush, and all the paints necessary to paint Moria Goblins. I thought, To practice painting, why not paint lowly, cheap minions first rather than heroes, and mess up the paint job? Below is the first goblin I did.

I chose a sword and shield goblin, with a helmet. I began by base coating the figure in Abaddon black, and then (as best I could with just the standard brush) dry brushed the armour with Leadbelcher. Once this had dried, I went over the cloth with Khorne red, and the skin with War Boss Green mixed with Death World Forest. At the end, I mixed Mournfang brown with water, and very gently applied it onto the shield, helmet and leg to give the metals a rusty look. All in all I was quite impressed. To tell the truth, I had been dreading painting. I've seen all those great painters out there, and it was in fact Scott, that got me wanting to paint. His painting skills and terrain making skills have inspired me, and I too hope to be that good one day. But as I say, I'm quite happy with my paint job, I think it'll look good on the table, and I learned painting is actually quite addictive. So addictive, that I went on to paint three more at the same time!
My first goblin.

Rusty shield

Bit blurry but you get the idea.

And the other side.

This time I got a bit adventurous, and painted the tips of another sword goblin, and a spear goblin's weaponry red, from past conflicts. Here I must apologise, as the pictures aren't the best...

My first archer, using Mournfang brown for the quiver and bow.
From the back
You can just see the tip of red on his blade.

And last but not least, I went into Games Emporium, the local hobby shop, and fell victim to the well known 'Cannot go in without buying something' curse that shop if known for in that area. And after a bit of haggling, left with 14 black primed High elven warriors of the last alliance. 8 with two handed Elven blade, and 6 with bow.

A close up of the bladesman.

The archers stand behind a wall of swordman, waiting to fire at the orcs.
So with the initial dread of painting wearing off, I'm saving up for a dry brush, a detail brush etc, more paint, and as you may of noticed from above pictures I now have the Fellowship journey book! So I'm going to be following the terrain making section closely.

Thanks for reading, feel free to comment I do like receiving them,

Until next time...


  1. An excellent start, well done! Looks very neat and tidy, and the brown rusty wash works well. And thanks for the mention :-)

    1. Thanks Scott, means a lot. I think the Hobbits will be next!

      And no problem, I believe your skills are legendary and all who read my blog deserve to know of them.
