Sunday 11 May 2014

An unexpected find.

Today I took a rummage around my old 'toybox' to look at all the odd bits and bobs and was surprised to find quite a few, somehow intact minatures!
Not many, but still a few. Quite a few Orks and a warboss, with a dreadnought. Now, these are unpainted and are zipping off to a guy for £22! Perfect for getting the paints and brushes I need!
Amongst the finds was also three Orc warriors (a two handed one I plan to convert to a Captain of Cirith ungol) and a Moria Goblin with spear

Also, I have the Plywood needed to get to work on the Moria scaffolding, and my uncle is getting me some Polystyrene (Blue foam) which i'm going to be using to make hills, just to get to grips with. So expect a report soon...

Until next time
The Dreadnought from the 'Assault on Black Reach' box set

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