Friday 23 May 2014

Shire... Baggins...!

That's right you guessed it. My Ringwraith have arrived!
And how happy I am with them indeed.

The three painted, and one unpainted as pictured below. What I plan to do is bide my time with these guys until I feel confident that I could paint them to a good standard (More on painting below) I will then strip them of paint, and give them my own style. I like the paint job, but a model isn't complete until it has been given all of your love I feel.

One of the nine, posed as he is swinging his sword in a two handed fashion.

I really do like the Nazgul. I mean, who doesn't? For me when I first saw them many a year ago in The Fellowship of the ring, I didn't know anything about them, other than they hade an aura of evil and malice, and a sense of foreboding about them. They long remained one of my favourite characters, and as I've mentioned before some of my favourite scenes and chapters are the ones involving the Hobbits trying to get to Rivendell, relentlessly perused by these 'Riders in Black'

So please, enjoy the pictures. They aren't the best quality, but you can still see.

Read below after the pictures for the other updates.
Ignoring the Dreadnought which has been sold for £16 in the background, The four Wraith stand firmly on my desk.

The unpainted Wraith, with it's hand extended out, just centimetres from the ring? 

Another pose, this one stood ready to strike, holding it's sword in a threatening manner.

And the final Ring Wraith, perhaps my favourite pose. To me it is an 'Alert to danger' pose, grasping it's sword and waiting to strike.

A Nazgul consorts with an Orc spy on the safest route into the Shire.

Of course, my mind is now thinking of scenarios I can play with these. The obvious ones are the ones in the Fellowship, as I have mainly the models required for the ones involving the Hobbits and the hunt (Maybe proxying Gildor with Legolas in one of them). However, I'll recall back to an earlier post with a Farmer Maggot custom scenario I thought up, and hopefully will be able to play that in the future. 

Which links in to the Terrain front. Not much else is happening. My father keeps gathering my Plywood from the 'Works yard' and is trying to get me some Styrofoam to begin creating Hills and whatnot for my first Board (An all purpose, rural setting board). But in the mean time, I am going to scour every shop I can in my local towns and Nottingham, for anything I think I can use to help, one thing in particular is scenic grass! 

A Nazgul, stalking it's Hobbit prey.

Which nicely links in to the Painting front. I have ordered a three set of brush's from Army painter. These are just a sort of a 'starter pack' if you will, with a regular, detail, and another brush in it. I'm sure it will suit me well for my start. So whilst at Nottingham, I'll head into GW (Even though I despise them for the prices they have unfairly put everything at lately, especially to the poor folks over in NZ) And pick up paint, to begin painting my Goblins. I feel practising painting on those first would be a good idea, since I have so many. Hopefully I can learn through trial and error, and produce a fairly basic (But playable with) condition paint job. I must confess I do love painting, but I'm just worried I'll be demoralised if I paint and that result is less than expected... But I'm still determined to learn.

Other than that, Not much else is happening. I've sold a plastic Dreadnought from the Blackreach box set for £16, as mentioned above, but not much else.

Aragorn - Strider keeps a watchful eye out for the Ringwraith.

Thanks for reading, feel free to comment :)

So, Until next time...

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