Friday 22 August 2014

Brandon's birthday bash!

So today, is my 18th birthday! And to celebrate, i've been out for a nice meal at Frankie and Bennies (can hardly move now, let me tell you). And i've got two Lord of the Rings related gifts! A map of Middle Earth for my wall, which shows EVERYWHERE! From the Trollshaws to Midgewater Marshes. This was from my girlfriend, and I am very pleased with it! I can see myself pouring over this map quite often! Amongst the other gifts were a Batman arkham Origins poster, a 'Top Dog' cup! (useful for holding tea whilst I paint!) and a bag of deodorants and body washes (hint hint, I assume!).

Below, a Bag End themed cake, showing Frodo and Gandalf stood outside, I am very very impressed with what my mother managed to make,and it is delicious!

I didn't receive any Hobby goods, however I asked that I didn't receive any, as i'd rather have a few surprises instead! So tomorrow, i'm off with a nice sum to pick up some paints and figures! So stay tunes to see what I manage to buy. Ah yes, I almost forgot! The other Lord of the Rings gift was The Return of the King PS2 game, which i've been after for many a month! very happy indeed!

So watch this space and expect a post tomorrow, with the goodies I've bought, and my painted Ringwraith shall be on show!