Monday 25 August 2014

Birthday spendings and a spot of painting

So after receiving a lot of money, 85% of it went straight into the bank (safest thing to do in my opinion) and I took £20 of my spending money to town, where, after a swift pint or two with friends I managed to pick up 3 pots of paint i've been needing for along time, Karak Stone (Kommando Khaki for Aragorn) Bestigor Flesh and Ratskin flesh (for faces) and a new brush. There was however, no Lord of the Rings in store! Drat! But not to fear, i'm placing an order through them online today, Game Emporium do a nice 20% off retail when ordered through them, which makes it £12 for a box of 12 troops, £6.82 for a box of three, etc... so now i'm stuck for choice. either a box or two of Dunedaine for the FOTR campaign i'm gathering for, or Wood Elf Sentinals for my core army. I'll soon figure it out, i'm leaning towards Dunedaine.

So, with no new models to paint that night, I started to work on an old, that has been sat in neglect due to fear of ruining it with an incorrect paint scheme. It's a simple enough to paint model, but I think it has to be done just right to do it justice. It is none other than the Nazgul. So I set to work, basing him with Abadon Black, and a very (very) light dusting of Codex Grey (I forgot the new name) and so far i'm impressed. I'd say I need another dusting perhaps, to give the model a shine, and a dusting of brown at the bottom of the cloak, to account for the miles and miles the Ringwraith travel. So below, is some shots of my Nazgul as it is now.
The Front. 

And the back

Back Again

And compared to the pre-painted one.

I don't think it has turned out to bad to say it's my first time painting metal, and I managed to drybrush a little better than usual, but we'll see when it's done.

I've also started a minor conversion. I remember an old White Dwarf Lotr Sbg scenario depicting Aragorn, and the four hobbits ambushed on their way to Weathertop by some rough men, spies/brigands of Sauron. Obviously this doesn't happen in the book or the film but I think it's an interesting little scenario and I'm going to add it in to my Fellowship of the Ring run through. Now, deprived of Ruffian minatures, instead I've cut off the tip of a Moria Goblin spear, and painted him with regular Fleshy colours, grey hair, and matted, scruffy greens and browns as clothing. Pictures to come in following post.

Thanks for reading,

And until next time.