Tuesday 3 June 2014


Hi guys, these past few days I've been revising heavy for the exam I sat today. I think I did well, but I won't say that I DID do well, as it's come back to bite me in the past. So not too much done hobby wise. However, I have managed to paint up another 3 goblins, and base coat another 7. I've also bought 'Standard mechanised grey' I think its called? paint, which I'm hoping to paint Moria bases with, and rocks and such. I also bought the Fine Detail brush from the citadel range with a £2 discount from the local wargaming store, https://www.facebook.com/TheGamesEmporium?fref=ts which was a great bargain, and has been excellent in aiding me paint the goblins hand which holds the bow! Unfortunately I have not yet taken any photos, but will do once I have finished them fully.

On the terrain front, I'm struggling if I'll be honest, in getting hold of the material. I know it's Polystyrene I'm after, but I'm having trouble finding any... But I have had a go at painting some bark off a tree, which looks great when glued to another piece as a big rock, or a mountainy type of pass.

On the gaming front, nothing to report War game wise. However I have been ever tempted these past few days to get back in to my half completed Battle for middle earth campaign on the PC! Another distraction!

And finally, on the trade front this week, I've been asking around and seem to have found a deal for some Wild Wargs, since the last deal fell through.

So keep an eye out soon for pictures of some scurrying goblins, and I may even have a little surprise.

Until next time...

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