Monday 23 June 2014

Another update!

With my PC still being broken, I apologise for the lack of updates.

Whilst on the Facebook grop Orc-ward battles, a gaming shop not far from me (Link: I met somebody who lives 10 minutes away who also plays Lord of the rings. So of course I messaged him and we both agreed to arrange a game for next week. A few moments later my girlfriend identified him, as her friends brother! Small world!
It goes without saying I am excited for my first sort of points match. But I realised, I have no heroes to lead my Goblins, and no heroes to lead my high elves (Or enough elves for that matter) So I've settled with The Fellowship.

We plan on 600 points, so my list is:

Legolas with elven cloak and armour - 105 ponts. My ranged aspect, 3 shots a turn against Mordor orcs and haradrim, or 1 shot a turn against Khamul+ The witch king. Armour makes him also more versatile, and can go toe to toe in melee now. Elven cloak is protection from spells.

Gandalf the grey - 170 points. A big amount of points! But with Aura of dismay, Mordor orcs will have a hard time charging. And with his versatile list of spells, what could go wrong?

Aragorn - strider with bow and armour - 185 points. Again, a massive amount but for me the armour is a must. 6Def will make a difference, and with a bow, a couple of pot shots every now and can't hurt.

Merry, Pippin and Sam - 50 points. Sam's extra might point may come in handy at some point, and these three will raise my model count. 3 of them swarming one foe may be useful, or to tie down an enemy hero for a turn. Also 3 stones thrown a turn if stood still, can be effective against low defence orcs.

Gimli - 90 points. Def 8, 3 attacks or 2 attacks with + 1 to wound. A great investment. Will be able to tank the stronger haradrim/easterlings.

So this is my list. Gimli, Aragorn and Gandalf on the front, the three hobbits and Legolas at the back. Any suggestions are welcome, but I'd have to drop either Gimli and two hobbits, or Legolas to include Boromir, which lowers my model count, or gets rid of my archer. This is why I have left him out.

On the terrain front, still can't find any extruded polystyrene... which is a big shame. I will continue to look.

However, my girlfriend and I have a little project going on where we are using bark off a tree, and painting it different greys to create big rocks, to use for certain scenarios. It is good to spend hobby time, with my girlfriend, it is more enjoyable, and she has agreed to play a few Fellowship scenarios with me, mainly the first few involving escaping Ringwraith, and some centred in Moria.

Painting, largely nothing has been painted. However, I am going to Nottingham with Bethen, her mother and mine this Friday, and I plan on getting all of the paints needed to paint the hobbits, now I know their new names!

So keep watching this space,

Until next time

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