Wednesday 9 April 2014


Sorry for the lack of posting. Not much has been happening hobby wise lately, been very busy coursework wise instead. All that's really happened is as follows:

The shop I ordered the Cave troll from hadn't been in touch for a while, so I went in to see what happened. I was told that GW didn't bring it with their latest deliveries, but they rang them whilst I was there and told them to make sure it is here by this Saturday. Whilst I was there I bought 12 more goblins second hand (Because why not? at least I can practice painting on the second hand ones)

Terrain wise I've salvaged some wood, and as soon as I get chance I'm going to start cutting it into platforms and ladders to make scaffolding that would of been largely present in Moria. I'm also looking at buying a big enough table for gaming on.

Paint wise, it's just a matter of helping out around the house until Saturday, which then I can use the money I've earned to buy the Mines of Moria paint set.

Other than that, I've just had a few games with a friend, but with no terrain and unpainted models I didn't bother taking pictures. It was just a very basic, get to grasp with the rules scenario, Strider vs 10 goblins, and I thoroughly enjoyed it and cannot wait for larger battles with painted models and scenery!

So keep watching, as soon more things will creep on to this blog

Thanks, until next time!

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