Saturday 12 April 2014

apologies, excuses etc...

I must apologise but due to a sudden cold /man flu, over the past week or so i've been doing nothing save maybe a bit of cluedo from time to time with my girlfriend and mother. But, i've not been completely idle, as i've been looking into things and have decided one or two ways to change Balin's Tomb scenario to make it fairer for the evil side, and more a challenge for the Fellowship.

First off, making it canon to the book, Uruk-Hai were present in the mines, attacking the fellowship. I will be using Mordor Uruks as they suit the theme more with their over all appearance. The two handed support also can come in handy. These will not take the place of or replace anything, and there will be 6 (yet to be decided fully).

Secondly, in a what if scenario (and mainly for fun) i'll say that gollum sees his chance (since he'd been stalking them since they arrived) and has arrived to fight for the forces of evil. However, he'll have no might, no will but 2 fate, more of an annoyance to enemy heroes. (this shall be used in a game without Mordor Uruks)

Thirdly, i'm limiting Gandalfs abilities. He'll only be able to cast Blinding Light, and Sorcerous Blast. As well as Aura of dismay. This means no more quickly immobilising the cave troll and hacking it down.

Fourthly, there will be the main door. A trap door near the well in the center of the room, and as an extra access points for the goblins, they may climb down the beams along the outside of the room and enter play from that way.

Not all goes for Evil though, as i'm deciding to put a silver mirror near the well which -1 courage to all evil near by, which should help balance the scales a little.

So by all means this should be a fun scenario. Be interesting to see if I can hold off goblins, cave trolls AND Uruks.

As another little note i've also been busy helping my dad (no rest for the ill or wicked eh?) with washing, and priming two new benches. I'll be helping paint them soon for a bit of money which i'll put to good use! I'll either buy Farmer Maggot, all three hounds  and an unnamed Ringwraith (for the scenario mentioned in a previous post) or, i'll buy some supplies such as green stuff, an extra few pots of paint (Going to order the Mines of Moria paint set from a rogue agent this weekend) and some material to make scenery.

As always feel free to let me know any advice, any help you could give with painting, scenery making etc what you think of the custom scenario...

Until next time!

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