Tuesday 1 April 2014

Custom Scenario!

Since my paints haven't arrived yet, i've got a time period between 9AM-4PM whilst Bethen is at college. So in this time, I'm ploughing through Walking Dead Season one, since i've got to catch up now we're also watching season 4 with Bethen's family, and i'm also going through the book Lord of the Rings, and found a part that interested me today. I'm sure there's no scenario of it, but when the fellowship are forced down the mountain due to the snow, and they are camping for the night when they are attacked by the hounds of Sauron, lead by a Wolf Chieftan. So I tried to create my first custom scenario:

Layout: A mountainous area with a ring of trees on a hill in the center of the map. A large fire is in the middle of the camp.


Good: The fellowship including Bill the pony.

Evil: 15 Wild Wargs lead by a Wild Warg Chieftain.

Deployment: Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin all deploy within an inch of the fire. Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Boromir and Gandalf deploy around the edge of the
The Wild Wargs and Warg Chieftain start 10 inch from the edge of the ring.

Special rules:

Gandalf the mighty: at the start of each turn after turn 3, Gandalf may expend a will point to set fire to the trees around the ring, after this all Evil forces must take courage checks to charge evil models.

Flaming Brand: this works the same as in the 'Battle at Weathertop' scenario.

Exhaustion: due to all the endless marching halg way over the snow filled mountains and then back, all heroes have -1 Will, Might and Fate (Unless their base Will/Might/Fate is already 1, then it is unaltered).

Gandalf may only use 'cast blinding light' and Sorcerous blast in this scenario.

So there we go! May need balancing, rules may need changing/removing, forces may need swapping around or having some set as reinforcements? Let me know what you think, comment any ideas, and feel free to try it out and let me know how you got on!

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