Thursday 29 May 2014

Painting and another expansion.

This week I went off to Nottingham with my girlfriend to spend all her Birthday money, which meant I could take a trip to Games Workshop. I must say the staff there weren't all too bad, and after asking for help on what brushes, paints etc to get, I came home with a standard brush, and all the paints necessary to paint Moria Goblins. I thought, To practice painting, why not paint lowly, cheap minions first rather than heroes, and mess up the paint job? Below is the first goblin I did.

I chose a sword and shield goblin, with a helmet. I began by base coating the figure in Abaddon black, and then (as best I could with just the standard brush) dry brushed the armour with Leadbelcher. Once this had dried, I went over the cloth with Khorne red, and the skin with War Boss Green mixed with Death World Forest. At the end, I mixed Mournfang brown with water, and very gently applied it onto the shield, helmet and leg to give the metals a rusty look. All in all I was quite impressed. To tell the truth, I had been dreading painting. I've seen all those great painters out there, and it was in fact Scott, that got me wanting to paint. His painting skills and terrain making skills have inspired me, and I too hope to be that good one day. But as I say, I'm quite happy with my paint job, I think it'll look good on the table, and I learned painting is actually quite addictive. So addictive, that I went on to paint three more at the same time!
My first goblin.

Rusty shield

Bit blurry but you get the idea.

And the other side.

This time I got a bit adventurous, and painted the tips of another sword goblin, and a spear goblin's weaponry red, from past conflicts. Here I must apologise, as the pictures aren't the best...

My first archer, using Mournfang brown for the quiver and bow.
From the back
You can just see the tip of red on his blade.

And last but not least, I went into Games Emporium, the local hobby shop, and fell victim to the well known 'Cannot go in without buying something' curse that shop if known for in that area. And after a bit of haggling, left with 14 black primed High elven warriors of the last alliance. 8 with two handed Elven blade, and 6 with bow.

A close up of the bladesman.

The archers stand behind a wall of swordman, waiting to fire at the orcs.
So with the initial dread of painting wearing off, I'm saving up for a dry brush, a detail brush etc, more paint, and as you may of noticed from above pictures I now have the Fellowship journey book! So I'm going to be following the terrain making section closely.

Thanks for reading, feel free to comment I do like receiving them,

Until next time...

Friday 23 May 2014

Shire... Baggins...!

That's right you guessed it. My Ringwraith have arrived!
And how happy I am with them indeed.

The three painted, and one unpainted as pictured below. What I plan to do is bide my time with these guys until I feel confident that I could paint them to a good standard (More on painting below) I will then strip them of paint, and give them my own style. I like the paint job, but a model isn't complete until it has been given all of your love I feel.

One of the nine, posed as he is swinging his sword in a two handed fashion.

I really do like the Nazgul. I mean, who doesn't? For me when I first saw them many a year ago in The Fellowship of the ring, I didn't know anything about them, other than they hade an aura of evil and malice, and a sense of foreboding about them. They long remained one of my favourite characters, and as I've mentioned before some of my favourite scenes and chapters are the ones involving the Hobbits trying to get to Rivendell, relentlessly perused by these 'Riders in Black'

So please, enjoy the pictures. They aren't the best quality, but you can still see.

Read below after the pictures for the other updates.
Ignoring the Dreadnought which has been sold for £16 in the background, The four Wraith stand firmly on my desk.

The unpainted Wraith, with it's hand extended out, just centimetres from the ring? 

Another pose, this one stood ready to strike, holding it's sword in a threatening manner.

And the final Ring Wraith, perhaps my favourite pose. To me it is an 'Alert to danger' pose, grasping it's sword and waiting to strike.

A Nazgul consorts with an Orc spy on the safest route into the Shire.

Of course, my mind is now thinking of scenarios I can play with these. The obvious ones are the ones in the Fellowship, as I have mainly the models required for the ones involving the Hobbits and the hunt (Maybe proxying Gildor with Legolas in one of them). However, I'll recall back to an earlier post with a Farmer Maggot custom scenario I thought up, and hopefully will be able to play that in the future. 

Which links in to the Terrain front. Not much else is happening. My father keeps gathering my Plywood from the 'Works yard' and is trying to get me some Styrofoam to begin creating Hills and whatnot for my first Board (An all purpose, rural setting board). But in the mean time, I am going to scour every shop I can in my local towns and Nottingham, for anything I think I can use to help, one thing in particular is scenic grass! 

A Nazgul, stalking it's Hobbit prey.

Which nicely links in to the Painting front. I have ordered a three set of brush's from Army painter. These are just a sort of a 'starter pack' if you will, with a regular, detail, and another brush in it. I'm sure it will suit me well for my start. So whilst at Nottingham, I'll head into GW (Even though I despise them for the prices they have unfairly put everything at lately, especially to the poor folks over in NZ) And pick up paint, to begin painting my Goblins. I feel practising painting on those first would be a good idea, since I have so many. Hopefully I can learn through trial and error, and produce a fairly basic (But playable with) condition paint job. I must confess I do love painting, but I'm just worried I'll be demoralised if I paint and that result is less than expected... But I'm still determined to learn.

Other than that, Not much else is happening. I've sold a plastic Dreadnought from the Blackreach box set for £16, as mentioned above, but not much else.

Aragorn - Strider keeps a watchful eye out for the Ringwraith.

Thanks for reading, feel free to comment :)

So, Until next time...

Monday 19 May 2014

Programme review: Murdoch Mysteries.

Having watched it now for over 3 years I must say, I still find myself looking forward to every Thursday night, to watch The Murdoch Mysteries.

It stars Yannick Bison as detective Murdoch of the Toronto constabulary, around 1895 *Edit* Current season is 1901* Who uses radical forensic techniques for that time period to help solve murders with the help of loveable sidekick of sorts, Constable Crabtree. This isn't your typical 'Murder mystery' show though, as a lot of the episodes sometimes link over to the next, with a much more sinister story lurking throughout the series. One such example is that a man who was hung for murder, around 3 years ago, comes back and sends Murdoch pictures of him, and his wife, stating if they continue to be together they will both die.

Now, another great thing about it is all the historical figures that appear throughout, in their own unique way. For example, Sherlock Holmes is present for a few episodes, but not the one we know. It is a man, who believes himself to be the detective Sherlock Holmes, but actually has a multiple personality disorder that he developed as a child, to retreat to that fantasy world after watching his uncle murder his father after a gambling game went wrong.

Also appearing is Sir Henry Ford, and the creation of the auto mobile.  As well as pioneers from the Forbidden city setting up in Toronto, and bringing with them Chinese culture (And Karate). Even the 'Ontario lake monster' makes an appearance!

Detective Brackenreed trying to convince Murdoch of what he saw in the lake.

But all in all, it has the right blend of action, suspense, mystery, comedy and romance to make it a thrilling series, and I wish you all to check it out, you may enjoy it! 

It has me wondering if I could not create a sort of game around it, using table top minatures. An intriguing idea... 

Thanks for reading,

Until next time...

Sunday 18 May 2014

My Hobby collection continues to grow.

So this weekend saw bad weather, which meant no terrain making here. I did however meet quite a few people in my Nottinghamshire area who are being very helpful, and one of them has actually invited me to the Throne of Skulls Hobbit event, to take part in the beginners league. I was reluctant at first, having never played a competitive match yet, but one of the lads has invited me to take part in a few matches with him, set around the Orc raid on Lake town, to help me get the hang of the rules, and some basic point match scenarios, with which he is going to be borrowing me his Harradrim raiders force! Quite excited indeed.

Also, I met a nice chap on the 'Lord of the rings trading page' who sold me three Ring Wraiths for £10. I also managed to find another unpainted on Ebay for £3 including postage. Three are painted, and one is unpainted. I will practice the painting on the unpainted one first before stripping the three later on when my painting skill grows. Here is a quick link to the trade page, everybody on there is very nice, and quite helpful.
The Ring Wraith that is whisking its way to my house!

Other news saw me getting my Wood cut out in to shape to begin making a board, as well as the before mentioned Moria scaffolding. However, I must admit, I have bought 'The Lord of The Rings, The Third Age' RPG video game, at a bargain of £2. Oh how I have missed this childhood game! It follows the path of Berethor, who was riding in the shadow of Boromir to Rivendell, as a sort of body guard. He is ambushed by Ringwraith, and saved by Idrial, an Elf from Lothlorien, and his own adventure begins from there!

The Lord of the Rings, The Third Age.

The company fight The Balrog, the boss fight from the end of Chapter 3!

And last but not least, with my girlfriends 18th coming up on Tuesday, I probably won't be getting anything done for a while, so expect a post next weekend. Thanks for reading,

Until next time...

Sunday 11 May 2014

An unexpected find.

Today I took a rummage around my old 'toybox' to look at all the odd bits and bobs and was surprised to find quite a few, somehow intact minatures!
Not many, but still a few. Quite a few Orks and a warboss, with a dreadnought. Now, these are unpainted and are zipping off to a guy for £22! Perfect for getting the paints and brushes I need!
Amongst the finds was also three Orc warriors (a two handed one I plan to convert to a Captain of Cirith ungol) and a Moria Goblin with spear

Also, I have the Plywood needed to get to work on the Moria scaffolding, and my uncle is getting me some Polystyrene (Blue foam) which i'm going to be using to make hills, just to get to grips with. So expect a report soon...

Until next time
The Dreadnought from the 'Assault on Black Reach' box set

Friday 9 May 2014

Gathering resources...

Today when helping build the new pheasent pen, I managed to collect some bark. This will be most valuable when creating rocks, or sticking to walls to give it that rocky texture!

I also plan on heading to the local DIY and crafts store and checking out the price on various things such as wood, and MDF board. For as soon as it is Sunday, the tools are coming outand some scenery is being made! I'm going to also glue some rocks together to make some cobble stone fencing! Hopefully to use in any kind of rural settings for games like Empire of the Dead. The Lord of the Rings and Bolt Action.

Elsewhere saw talk of a DnD group forming on Friday afternoons. Whilst I don't enjoy the thought of Roleplaying as much as wargaming, but I am however willing to give it a go! Since the only other thing to do is walk to the shop and buy nothing, why not? I'll report back how I get on.

And finally, just like to report that after much encouragement from family, teachers and friends for many years due to my 'imagination' that i'm going to have a shot at writing my own novel. I'm going to post what I come up with on here.

So until next time...

Wednesday 7 May 2014

A short update, review of a different table top game and an interesting idea.

Hello all, this week has up to yet not been too productive when it comes to LoTR SBG. My girlfriend's 18th birthday is coming up this month, and the present I am getting is no less than £120... so that's my hobby budget low for awhile.   I'll be saving for brushes and paint firstly. So what have I been doing? Well today I watched The Fellowship of the ring and I must say I love no part better than the four hobbits fleeing the Shire. From the moment Gandalf drags Sam wise Gamgee through the window, til the moment Frodo awakens in Rivendell my blood is pumping, adrenaline kicking in etc. I think it's a mix of the locations (I really, really love the parts of the film in Bree. Although the film seems to suggest Bree is close to the brandywine bridge with how fast the scene changes) and the fact they are being hunted by a power more ancient and evil than they could imagine, coupled with the sense of danger from the very start in their beloved shire just makes this part of the story my favourite. Thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Elsewhere saw me taking part in a game of Bolt Action! I played in a 4 man battle. The game was on two boards together to make one big board. The Americans (me) held out in a big circular fountain against Germans, with two squads of GI's with rifles, and a few machine guns. The Germans would start off assaulting me with infantry and light armoured vehicles (my friend Sam) whilst my other friend Robbie raced to my rescue with a Sherman and a few more squads. Sam's friend Vinnie took the other German squad and tried to hold Robbie back, allowing the Germans to take the town. To say it was a tutorial for me (hence my small, basic squads) I was very thrilled all throughout. I managed to take down some Germans and even blew up a light armoured vehicle, before Robbie came and we mopped up the resistance. I think this is another to the list of minature I want to collect and game with.

Watch this spot for scenery progress this weekend, expect a post sunday or monday. And I apologise if any words are 'stuck together' without a space, my phone doesn't like to put spaces, and a few ellude myattentions. Until next time...

Saturday 3 May 2014

They've got a Cave Troll...

Today I found time to head in to town and pick up the cave troll, and what a beast it is. I'm actually impressed, and look forward to using it in games! The slight annoyance is the lines on the top of the back, and down thesides. I'm guessing these require green stuff to fill in the gaps? Someone please comment and clarify?. All in all, i'm quite happy with this minature
And when compares to my other miniatures in scake! It is a big beast. Pictures below, Sorry for the quality, I'm saving for a better camera.
Best from the front. On the right arm holding chain, you can see the lines I mentioned earlier.

Next to a Moria Goblin and Aragorn for scale.