Monday 14 July 2014

Wood Elf Warriors, Defenders of Lothlorien/Mirkwood arrive!

A few weeks ago I messaged Dan at the local games store, 'Games Emporium' and was told I could have a 20% discount off of anything ordered through them, from Games Workshop Lord of the Rings related, and 10% Hobbit related. Well, Having £12 I thought why not get something that will benefit me in what I most want to do at the moment, and so I did. and here it is, a box of 12 Wood elf Warriors!

The reason I got these are as follows:

  • I intend to collect Wood elves for when I play competitively, and since I have Legolas I am now one warband closer to that army.

  • It will help in the Fellowship journey book scenario, as Haldir and 6 elves appear later on in the book.

  • And, I got the go ahead from Bethen, as she likes elves.

  • Not to mention they'll appear in a number of scenarios in the future. 
So, onto the review: 

So far, I'm impressed by the initial unboxing of the warriors, a few poses seem a bit odd, but nothing I can't live with.

I do have a few favourite poses, and one which I'm considering to convert, as it makes a good looking 'captain' pose.

There wasn't too much excess plastic etc that needed to be removed, so I was quite happy about that.

I shall go through a few poses in the pictures below.
Wood elf Warriors box, £12 not £15!

And the back
Preparing to shoot down an approaching Goblin!

And on his own

One of my favourite poses, you can just make out, that he is aiming up with his bow, and this makes a change compared to the normal, aiming straight forward pose. Shooting at a bat swarm eh?!

Bit blurry, but an Elf swordsman

And elf spearman, driving back the hordes of Sauron

This, is my favourite pose. For one he looks like he's calling the rest of the Elves into battle, and for this reason I am going to cut off an Elven blade at some point, and put it into his other hand. Then through the use of Greenstuff, give him a few other bits and bobs, to make him stand out as a Wood Elf Captain.
Sadly, this does mean the end of buying minatures for awhile. I need to obtain the rest of the paints needed to paint the Fellowship (The four hobbits are now finished, pictures in a subsequent post) and paint is also required for the Cave Troll. Then, I shall perhaps come to painting these elves. However, with my holiday to Cornwall approaching in the next week and a half or so, I can feel a trip to the Helston gaming store to spend some money on some minatures, or perhaps Bethen will surprise me for my birthday with some Uurk-hai scouts that she knows I need for the scenario's. Only time will tell.

I will finish assembling these when I return home around Wednesday, and post pictures then.

Thanks for reading,

Until next time.

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