Friday 4 July 2014

Painting a few more models (WIP)

Recently i've had spare time, and so I got to work finishing a few Goblins of Moria. Now, they aren't 'finished' so to say. I've painted them, but need to go back and clean them up, and paint over any bits i've missed. As you can see in the pictures below, some of their arms aren't painted to a good enough standard, and the red of their cloth sometimes runs on to the armour.

Then I got to work painting the hobbits. They are mostly done, the faces need painting, and a few other things but for the most part.

I've actually played the same scenario from my previous post another 4 times now, and it is damned hard to win as evil. With 4 will, you can't fire off too many spells, but you also can't stay in combat for too long without the aid of spells to make the Ringwraith more effective in combat! A tough one indeed.

Some of my Goblins, a few need cleaning up. 

 Please bare in mind, washes etc are still to be applied, as is the basing.
My 'to be painted' plate.